Thursday, June 7, 2007

Some random ephemera

For those of you who like your paper, you've probably heard of the term ephemera. If not, it refers to a range of objects that are made using paper; like postcards, magazines, newspapers, etc. Well, I've been tripping over some great ephemera collectors sites lately, and I thought I should share them!

Suzy, you are bound to love Do What Now, which has a lot of humorous posts about fifties-type advertisements and magazines. There's also a lot of really gross meal ideas (check out the Kidneypalooza... ewwwwww!). Even if ephemera isn't your thing, this blog has some of the best satire on the subject of 50s ads I've ever read!

Next, you can't go past the aptly-titled Ephemera blog. This blog interviews all sorts of collectors, from the collector of old passports, to the guy who collects Tolkien ephemera. And it doesn't just cover paper objects, but collectors of all sorts. A must read for anyone interested in finding out what makes a collector tick!

And lastly we have Kitschy Kitschy Coo, a blog for all sorts of random kitschness and kitchy collectibles (is that a word?). Actually, I came across a really great post about collecting for the family. There's a whole list of fun ways to collect; I personally wouldn't mind collecting the cookie cutters! :)

(Mom, don't get any ideas from the list - I think we all collect enough without making it a family thing!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog in regard to your post on ephemera...I appreciate the link love.