Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Send a letter, spend a little more

Edit: Here's the sumo wrestlers pic...

Today’s project? Two sumo wrestlers, origami style! Tee hee, they are so cute! (I really need to get myself that scanner, so you can see all the cool pieces I’ve made!)

You know, I was reading Yahoo yesterday, and everybody has probably heard the news by now – stamp prices are increasing. I didn’t think much of it, and this doesn’t sound like interesting news, but James made a good point about it last night: for every time a stamp price increases, a new batch of stamps must be made with the new price on it. And that’s big news in the collecting world, since that means a lot more stamps to collect.

Read about the news here.

Ooh – and before I forget – props go to Origami Tessellations, for all their inspiring links! This is a really neat site, with lots of pics. Today’s post includes a step-by-step instructional video on how to make corrugated paper. See it here. I’ve already started mine!

1 comment:

origomi said...

I'm glad you liked my little site- thanks for the mention!

Although I have to say that Paul Jackson is the one responsible for the nice corrugated paper instructions, I just reposted it :)

keep up the good work, and keep creating!

-Eric Gjerde