Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wal-mart to close fabric and craft sections

I'm in the middle of a big craft project at school this week, and needed to buy some papers, string, that sort of stuff. I thought I'd be able to get it at my mom's local Wal-mart; visiting my parents makes it ideal, as my mom loves the store and goes there all the time.

But I was really disappointed because my mom's local store has decreased its area devoted to crafts. James almost had to take us home, because we spent an hour trying to figure out if they'd just moved the crafts to a different part of the store. Finally, we gave up.

I've been talking to some friends and family, and apparently they've all had similar problems; Wal-mart seems to be closing down all their craft and fabric departments.

James suggested I look it up on the net, and I found some stuff about it. Here's a petition to stop Wal-mart from closing the departments. There's a blog post on it here.

This makes me really mad, because my mom loves making and collecting miniatures and dolls, and I know that she has spent a lot of time in Wal-marts. I can't believe that they would just make the departments disappear, with no warning, and nothing to replace the hole that is left. Ha! Wal-mart says that 'celebration centers' - with yarn, fabrics, and 'celebratory' items like birthday hats, etc - will be the replacement. But I doubt that there will be a good selection like there was before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paper Nellie,

Walmart has a lot to answer for. Once they come into a community all the little specialty shops end up going out of business. Where do we go now to get the fabrics and bits and pieces we need? I now have to drive 40 minutes from home to get supplies.